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Old 02-15-2016, 09:13 PM   #12
(aka Alberto)
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Re: PS4 20 CAF limit workaround for EA SPORTS UFC 2

Originally Posted by fballturkey
I don't see what DLC has to do with anything. The created fighters should be separate save files. That's got nothing to do with total application file size or DLC.

There's no limits to how many franchises I can start in Madden, right? Or rosters I can create?
Look, I'm just telling you the reason they gave us for the limited CAFs in UFC1.
Normally I would be suspect of that excuse but they have no reason to lie about it. They dont benefit in anyway by limiting the CAFs. The DLC is always free so its not like they are trying to limit CAFs to force people to buy DLC. If it was easy to increase the amount of CAFs, I'm sure EA would just do it.

One other thing is a ton of CAFs doesnt appear to be a high priority for most of the community. For most people 20 CAFs is enough (not for me though I need at least 50) especially with 250 roster fighters (more coming by DLC). For the small minority that likes to create their own leagues, it definitely sucks.
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