If the different missions, rewards, etc. are fairly random for every player I hope we'll actually see some balanced teams in DD for once. At least early on until the market gets flooded with cards and stubs. The issue will still be if you can stack a lineup. The one thing I wanted this year was a way to limit the quality of teams, force you to have a more diverse team. It could have been as simple as a point pool for each part of your team. Starting lineup, bench, bullpen and rotation. Just limit the number of total overall points per section so that if you had three guys rated 95 in the lineup you have to balance it out with some lesser rated players and you couldn't stuff your bench with Bagwells and McGriffs.
DD must be doing well for SDS if they are putting this much work into overhauling it year-to-year and adding in so many ways for you to spend money/earn stuff.