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Old 02-24-2016, 12:10 AM   #98
Go Cubs Go
WaitTilNextYear's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 16 Twitch Livestream - Q&A with Developers (Archive Available)

Originally Posted by dran1984
The player doesn't have to be part of the MLBPA to be scanned. Also, the process is optional and some guys they can't scan because they might have sunflower seeds or a wad of tobacco in there mouth.
Ummm, yeah they do because they don't have rights to players outside the MLBPA and can't portray players not in the MLBPA. Same reason they can't give us any likenesses of minor leaguers and the same reason why OSFM is a thing each year. Now, I suppose they could scan whoever they want with their fancy technology, even some schmoe off the street, but it needs to be a licensed player to use it.
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