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Old 02-26-2016, 12:30 PM   #3
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Re: Madden NFL 16: A Noob's Perspective

Originally Posted by My993C2
<< I Have No Idea What I’m Doing On Defense >> - from the article.

The Madden football series has come a long way over the years and Madden 16 is the best it's ever been and I think Madden 16 made some really good steps from Madden 15. But we are not there yet. And one of the problems with the Madden series are the defenses. Yes to those new to the game of football, defense can be confusing. There is a lot of concepts to learn. But it does not help when the game does not play defense like it should. It would be nice for the game makers to spend a little less time on the offenses and some more time to improve the defending aspects of this game. I think we are still a good 10+ years away from the point where it will be difficult to tell the difference between the game and the real world. But at some point in the future, it will be hard to tell the difference between a real world game on TV and the virtual game. Of course I have been saying that for the last 10 years. haha. In the meantime, I will enjoy Madden 16, warts and all.

PS: I do wonder with all the concerns these days about concussions and other injuries in the game, how will real football evolve or is it doomed? Would people accept watching the virtual games instead of the real games if concussions can not be controlled? I played lots of contact sports in my youth. I played 6 years of football, rugby (I remember going head on head in a rugby game one year on the goal line to prevent the opposition from scoring. Ouch. We must have been two footballers playing rugby LOL). I played 30+ years of hockey (I suffered more hockey injuries than any other sport) and yes I have suffered concussions and my memory is not as good as it used to be. Back in my day when your bell was wrung in game or in practice, you just sat out of few plays and then got back into the game. Now what was I talking about? Hmmm ... dang my memory ... Oh yeah I remember. LOL

Football is not doomed because of concussions. It will take a hit and dip but will rebound to stay at the top in the US and grow worldwide. Other sports just like you said also have injury problems. Because the NFL is so rich it is a target for people sueing over concussiions. Soccor and hockey will eventually fell this same thing. Kids still love football and will continue to play. With kids in small poor areas see sports as a way out, there will always be kids playing.
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