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Old 03-06-2016, 07:57 PM   #462
Go Cubs Go
WaitTilNextYear's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 16 Twitch Stream - Franchise Mode & Gameplay (Archive Available)

Originally Posted by nomo17k
I think this type of argument is useless to make as users in a public forum; it's is ultimately the developers who decide in which direction would be the best way for the game to move forward.


For example, Ramone in the past mentioned a coupe times that the manage-only mode literally gets used by just a couple dozen people. By your argument, there is absolutely no reason for the developers to put any resource on that mode. They certainly are not keeping MoM just as a courtesy for what Knight has done for The Show community overall...

Well, if you were watching some of these streams, there is the fact that Ramone himself gave us the argument for why offline franchise got more attention than online franchise this cycle. Not surprisingly it was based on the volume of users in one mode vs the other. Ramone, who you cited as among those making the decisions, is where this info is coming from in the first place. So your issue lies with that; don't shoot the messenger. It's painfully obvious that usage volume/sales will drive their development decisions.
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