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Old 03-13-2016, 12:29 PM   #2
vinaa23's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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Re: One Flew Over the Hornets' Nest - a Charlotte Hornets Dynasty

About the dynasty:

Game: NBA 2k16
System: PS4
Difficulty: Simulation All-Star

I downloaded rosters from the beginning of the season (I like it more) and this year's draft class will also be downloaded. From 2016-17 and onwards I'll be using 2k's fictional classes.

I'll do a month-by-month approach as usual. I'll play the opening game of the season, every divisional contest and the last game.

I won't be controlling every team, just the Hornets. Even if I'm a sucker for realism, I kinda like the sheer randomness that the CPU brings. I'm with trade approval on just to avoid some pathetic scenarios like the Lakers trading 03 role players for Lebron James (although, stopping and thinking about it... they totally could pull this off in real life)

As usual, I'll ask for you to forgive me for some spelling/gramatical errors as English isn't my primary language.

That's it. Now, forward with the thread.
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How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul"

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Last edited by vinaa23; 03-13-2016 at 10:56 PM.
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