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Old 03-21-2016, 04:29 PM   #16
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Re: MLB The Show 16 Video - Showtime (GameStop)

Originally Posted by stealyerface
Also nice, is the ability to make sure this is turned off.

I have always been happy that when new or "Exciting" features get added, the developers do not force you to use them, or at least allow them to be optional for those who might not be interested.

I have been on this forum for a long time, and have championed The Show as the best baseball game of all time.

That being said, if another baseball game with a K in it, had released this feature, there would be a mad uproar on the "arcade" aspect of slowing time down ala Max Payne, and buying or earning "perks" to be able to access this super-slo-mo gameplay.

We don't have to go too far into the past to see what the addition of a "turbo" button got met with, so while applaud the development crew for adding something different to play around with, I am continually pleased that the options remain just that, options.

Looking forward to the 29th!
You don't remember Slamzone? They did it first.
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