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Old 04-11-2016, 12:48 AM   #2
OVR: 24
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Posts: 4,944
Re: Players energy????

Originally Posted by oakview80
So in the older versions of the show it always showed players energy before games to see if you need to sub players in or not. I'm curious if they show it in this years or if I'm missing something. I can't see if a guy in my pen has been over used and needs rest so I don't use him to much. Any input is greatly appreciated.
It's there. If you look carefully there is a faint green line within the circle next to each player's name.

It's very hard to discern so I don't blame you for missing it. Hopefully in the future they just color the entire circle instead of only the perimeter (so it looks like a pie chart... or they just change the gimmick altogether.
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