Good post. I've been slowly converting to using the "not holding block" house rule, holding it's a hard habit to break though... It took me years to finally stop holding turbo on Madden and I can see this being similar. Damn you muscle memory! I'm willing to do anything to get the AI's KO numbers up though. Even if that means looking into giving the AI artificial boost like Madden does on All Madden, then I'm all for it.
Since the majority of the GCers as well as the most vocal posters on EA's forums are online users they're obviously get catered to first. When I do go there all I see is "balance this and balance that", well that's all well and good until it starts bleeding over into offline. I'd much prefer "realism this and realism that". I'd be perfectly fine with seeing one punch KO's, more powerful body/leg kicks (with injury stoppages), fights stopped from cuts, and other semi-random events. I don't want to see a large percentage of my fights ending in those ways, but I do want to see everything that we see in real life MMA.
In the past I've been one of the biggest advocates of a Universe Mode, but unless we can get things like sliders and a ratings editor, then I don't know if a Universe Mode will be even worth it.... and if they don't somehow separate offline from online by either giving us those two things (sliders/editor) or at least adding a sim setting like EA UFC had, then I'm even less optimistic.