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Old 04-15-2016, 11:12 AM   #29
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Re: MLB The Show 16 OSFM Twitter Q&A With Our Very Own RidinDwnKingsely Tomorrow Nigh

Originally Posted by Kennedy2390
Looks like we are all going to be a bunch of dull Jack's for another weekend not playing.... Cant wait for the twitter interview though!
Are people not supposed to have lives? They don't get paid to do this, I'm pretty sure they have other things going on besides doing a baseball roster for a video game.

The fact that they got this far this quickly is shocking to me. People are damn near demanding it at this point. They do this for free, out of their own time and kindness to do this for us .

No one made you buy the game before the osfm rosters were completed. The osfm team never gave a tentative release date on ANYTHING. You wanna throw a fit about not being able to play your $65 game? You surely can play it, you just choose not too because you're waiting for free rosters from a group of guys who just have a passion for the game.

Unbelievable how entitled some people are. Go enjoy your weekend and the rosters will be here before you know it.

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