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Old 04-19-2016, 08:18 AM   #4
OVR: 9
Join Date: Aug 2012
Re: Decades Challenge Frustration Venting Thread

Originally Posted by harryl
Someone had suggested using Blake Griffin because he's too strong and fast for vintage PF's to deal with. I found this to definitely be the case in the 1st game. In that one, one could do a lot of baseline spin cheese with Griffin against, I think, Jerry Lucas. Not as effective in the 2nd game, but still a pretty good option.
Yeah, don't limit yourself to baseline spin cheese with Griffin though, I found that treating him like a perimeter player and isolating opposing 4s on the perimeter worked wonders. Taking advantage of his elite ball-control (for a big) and overall athleticism, I used a combination of spins, crossovers and behind the back moves and had a ton of success against every 4 in the challenge. Also, using face-ups in the post worked pretty well for me too. The quickness advantage proved to be too much, even against Malone and KG (where a strength advantage probably factored in as well).
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