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Old 04-27-2016, 07:54 AM   #15
WhiteBunny's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Re: MLB The Show 16: Talking Game Modes (Roundtable)

Originally Posted by KBLover
And what's ironic about that's the story he's talking about not having.

RTTS is like a pen and paper make a character and the "adventures" he has playing through the baseball season, his streaks, slumps, injuries, etc., and throw in better interactions like you mention...THAT is the story.

I mean not ALL RPGs are like jRPGs like Chrono Trigger.
Yep. You can also bump immersion with simple generic cutscenes and better view of the game while you're not playing ( if they don't remove at all the watch game option ). For example, both NBA 2K and NHL have great cameras from the bench. And you can skip between bench camera and the default ones. In The Show it seems like you're watching the game from "deck".
So i'm with you. It's an rpg mode which needs more stats and immersion/atmosphere features to represent your life in the clubhouse. Not a classic story, but a better way to create your own story which is, like you said, streaks, slumps, injuries, records, etc... .
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