05-01-2016, 03:18 PM
Re: NBA 2k11...is it the best 2k?
^^^great feedback fellas
2k11 should be the best strictly because they had the Mike Jordan one hand ball fake. Are you kidding me. There were so many animations on offense in 2k11. Also the height of the players on the court seem proper.
Why did 2k take out the Kobe lean over jump shots? That's how I know 2k used a completely new engine in 2k11. Lets remember that the dribble moves were also used with one button, which is why I think this freed up more space for many more signature animations. The graphics. The graphics are sooooooo much better in 2k11. How did they do that. The artist who did the models seem way better than in 2k16. Mike Jordan looks exactly like mike. KG had his long body frame. Kobe had his weird head shape. The GRAPHICS!!!!
I know why I stopped playing 2k11 now. Because on the consoles they kept on updating/patching the gameplay. Now that I'm playing it on PC I can now enjoy the game how it came without all patches which I think ruined the game for me.
VC/2k sports fan
Last edited by shadio5; 05-01-2016 at 03:36 PM.