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Old 05-03-2016, 10:15 AM   #79
4thQtrStre5S's Arena
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Re: Do You Care About Dangerous Hits in Madden?

Originally Posted by seriousluboy83
I think the "clean-up" hits need to be tuned accordingly and if not penalties and possible injuries need to occur. I like the way the "conservative" tackles have been added but the range of the conservative tackle is far too wide. I personally started calling them SUPERMAN tackles. And I've been thinking for a while now that the "aggressive/hit-stick" tackles need to be removed as a whole. If a guy has high hit power he'll still be able to force fumbles with a "conservative" tackle just not at as high of a rate with the "aggressive" tackle. And with the era of hard hits pretty much dead in the NFL i think it needs to die too within Madden. I mean aren't we trying to simulate the NFL we see on Sunday, this isn't the glory days of football anymore. With all the awareness of head injuries and such and lowering the target area of hits I think the "hit-stick" needs to be laid to rest
I see yoir point, and understand where you are coming from, but on a fun level, I enjoy the hit stick; I would like ball carriers to brace for obvious big hits, such as those coming from a defender going for a hit from the head on position.

For me, the hit stick provides some of the old school hitting I remember as a kid; back when football was more violent and exciting from a defensive perspective..Now it is more about long passes and spectacular catches; the defense is left on the sidelines and Madden more closely resembles a basketball game; whoever scores last, wins..

Obviously the hit stick isn't what stops offenses from scoring, but it does help make defense fun, when you can punish a ball carrier, when that is all we have for fun on defense, for the most part...

As for defense, when playing the CPU, I would like to see more time before he snap to make adjustments; the offense of the CPU seems to always be in "hurry up" mode, and it makes defense rather boring because a player has a very small window to adjust, and we have a lot of adjustments we can do on defense but just not much time.

Anyway, just my 2 cents.
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