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Originally Posted by Dwaresacksqb |
He certainly says all the right things and has garnered some people's trust and optimism for the future of the franchise, including mine. In saying that though, I can understand the trepidation some others still might feel. EA has a long resume of dissapointing the sim community. Rex's resume isn't there yet. Madden 17, if done right, can give those people who are weary of trusting EA new found hope. Madden 17 will either make or break Rex in my opinion. Nothing worse than promising so much, gaining people's trust, only to under deliver. And nothing better than building the hype of the game to great levels, picking up people's spirit who were once dissapointed year in, year out and delivering the product we all hoped for. Then and only then, could we truly show the doubters that all is not to fear, REX IS HERE!!!
His resume is more than long enough. He's been there for 4 games and now 5 with 17 coming. And keep in mind that he was part of the transition from last gen to current.
I also realize he's not a programmer, he doesn't animate, he doesn't code, so his impact has plenty of limits. That's why I'm saying I'm not all that swayed by what the public figures say. It's not even personal, I just realize there is more going on under the hood than what can be talked about on Twitter.