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Old 05-18-2016, 03:37 AM   #95
noshun's Arena
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Re: NBA Live Committed to Consoles - Shipping in 2017, But the Focus Will Be on Mobil

Originally Posted by Playmakers

Everything sounds good the way you put it......

The only problem is we've been down this road before with EA twice if memory serves me right.

If a guy goes out and robs someone twice and then tells us he won't do it again most of us aren't going to believe him no matter what he says....

Well EA has a past history that tells us they can't be trusted even when given more time and right now their words means nothing to some us....

Personally, I've moved on from the series and if they comeback strong then great but hey i'm not going to loose any sleep over it anymore expecting a game to improve that hasn't improved close to a decade now IMO.

Exactly, some guys on this side of the forums are a glutton for punishment. EA has already has:

1. Blackened 1 eye with Live 07
2. Blackened your other eye with Elite 11 cancelation
3. Broken your nose with Live 12 not even being made
4. Busted your lip with Live 13 being canceled
5. Knocked out a tooth with Live 14's mediocrity
6. Broken your arm with Live 17's delay..

The hits keeps coming, and guys still make excuses for it... sad. All this within a 10 year span..
NBA Live is the epitome of Cancel Culture..

Originally Posted by Dounte/MLBNFLNBALGS
I'd be the first to call myself a hypocrite.
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Last edited by noshun; 05-18-2016 at 03:39 AM.
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