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Old 05-19-2016, 02:42 AM   #96
Trick13's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Ball Carrier Special Moves, Fakeout Interaction System & Much More

Originally Posted by Sgexpat
I agree on the 1st part but let me take a stab at elusiveness. I am not sure that juking and spinning are all that make a carrier elusive. It seems that some guys even when running a single cut are able to make minor adjustments to get arm tackles to be just out of reach etc, which don't reach the level of user controlled juke moves.

I think of one long TD run by David Johnson on the cards last year when I think of ELU trait in Madden - he basically one cut through like 6 guys and took it all the way home. No spin or juke, but guys had their hands on him, he just was slippery.

OK, maybe its not a good theory here on why it should exist but its the best I've got

FWIW I found that to have the single biggest impact on my ypc in M'16 whereas truck did in M'15. That could also be style driven. I wasn't sure if you meant it did not have an affect much in Madden or just *should* not -- at least I see it does have a big effect now,

OK, fair explanation, but I would say that you had that one cut ability as a user in the "glory days" (PS2) with "cut moves" which I would still love to see that old control layout return, where stiff arm (switch hand) was directional, jukes were a product of timing both on the field and the RB/LB buttons in which tapping one gave you a 30 degree directional change, and then the longer you held it the more hop like jukes took place and rapi succession of the buttons gave you an incredibly smooth shoulder shake and cut deal that was just magical if you pulled it off - magical, not only because it was difficult to do, but also because it looked so much like what players actually do on Sundays.

Now they said speed moves are supposed to be subtle so maybe the "cut move" makes a glorious return, but I still say that "ELU/BKT" - as they currently are handled is goofy...

And I guess, I would rather handle the subtle moves manually than have the ball carrier vision rating dictating spin moves and hop cuts behind the LOS - That stuff is all well and good, except when I am having to steer blockers because they move (hopefully have in the past moved) as though they are Vulcan mind melded with a RB they can't see...
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