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Old 05-19-2016, 01:47 PM   #91
Just some guy
mrprice33's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Defensive Gaps, Alignment, Assignment, Technique, Blocking & Much M

So if you have a DT lined up over the C or OG and they are set to play 2-gap, the game does not dynamically convert them to a 1-gap responsibility if you shift the DL to put them between the C and OG. They'll still attempt to play 2-gap, but from out of position. In most cases this won't be an issue, but I can see a couple of use cases, like on rush downs and with certain blitzes, but my assumption is with blitzes at least that these types of changes are built into the play.

Once the play starts the gap technique remains static, even though the assignment may change. Does that make sense? So if there's a toss to the outside the NT will still play 2-gap to try to fill cutback lanes and make stops. He won't suddenly attack a gap and become a 1-gap player.
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