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Old 05-20-2016, 04:42 PM   #2
ILiveForThis's Arena
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Re: Krebstar's Postseason Pro Sliders

Originally Posted by Krebstar
Many months ago I began playing around with my own sliders as nothing else felt right to me. I settled on Pro, as I feel it's the best difficulty for the AI to play more true to life and not just better than the human.

I also don't mind losing games, but some games should be easy, just like many are in real life. If you're a great team, chances are you might be able to boss around lower competition from time to time, so I wanted something that felt right in the regard.

Are these perfect? Not even close. Will they be right for you? Not sure. What I do know is that I like how these feel, and if only a few others enjoy them, then it's worth posting.

I haven't done extensive testing with video analysis, nor do I have spreadsheets full of stats. I don't look down upon that, I just don't have time for that, and I'm trying to make them feel good, not just look good on paper.

Many of the settings in here were taken from other sets, so thank you to everyone who has contributed this season. I believe there are definitely some settings in here which others have not used, and that's why I feel they're worth their own thread.

How about some bullet points to perhaps answer some questions?
  • Do I have to play these using manual settings?

    I highly suggest it, as you might find the game too easy on Pro if you do not.
  • Why is the line length setting so low?

    I feel this compresses the lines, which is needed to better replicate the sport. things brings players closer together, makes it harder to break down the defense, and also creates more play in the middle third of the field. At least, I hope it does.
  • Why the high shot error?

    Most teams don't have a higher number of shots on goal during a game, even if they have a high number of shots. I want shots on goal to be dangerous, and I want to see plenty of wayward shots.
  • Do I have to play with 15-minute halves?

    If you want to replicate the sport better, I would. This allows you to take your time, build your attacks, and try new things. If you set it lower, you'll play more frantically, and panic more when you're not in the lead.

  • Why are they called post-season sliders?

    Because I'm posting them so late in the cycle of the game, and I needed a clever title.

Difficulty: Pro

Half Length: 15 minutes

Speed: Slow

Controls: Manual

Sprint: 46/47

Acceleration: 51/53

Shot Error: 58/52

Pass Error: 70/63

Shot Speed: 5/51

Pass Speed: 39/37

Injury Frequency: 88/88

Injury Severity: 62/62

GK Ability: 15/15

Marking: 62/62

Run Frequency: 15/15

Line Height: 58/58

Line Length: 27/27

Line Width: 54/54

Fullbacks: 15/15

Power Bar(user only): 52

First Touch Control: 68/60

Any questions? Feel free to ask. Just know I'm not trying to create the perfect set. I just want to post what I've been playing with, and what I've been enjoying. If you think they suck, they're not for you and we most likely play the game in very different ways.

if i can pull myself away from ultimate team/seasons, i'll give these a run this weekend. i enjoy when someone has put time and dedication into a game to turn it to sport ... (like i'm doing with mlb the show). anyhow - if i play some matches, i'll def. have some feedback and screens
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