05-25-2016, 10:40 PM
Re: Madden NFL 17 Video - New Juke Moves and Score Bug/Banner
I like the look of the juke animation but the little things are all messed up.
The running back is running at an angle full speed ahead towards the right sideline and plants on the inside foot to juke back to the left. There's to much going on in that juke to make that even possible. It should've been more of a cut up field if a plant is coming on the inside foot. That all needs slowed down. To much twitch in that juke going on there for a full speed cut.
It's little, maybe other people see it differently but the little things hold back gameplay in this series starting with straight line running animations.
edit. after watching it closer maybe the running back is planting with the inside foot to set up the juke to the left on the outside foot shifting momentum. maybe I could get clarification. as I mentioned the new juke move really looks classy, much improved.
Last edited by MountaineersSon; 05-25-2016 at 10:48 PM.