05-31-2016, 12:17 PM
Is anyone else just awful at denials?
I can't figure it out, lads.
I would say I am a decent player at this game. I win 85% of my fights online and never have any issues in standup even against extremely competitive standup players.
I can deny takedown attempts and clinch attempts all day long, flawlessly.
I can NOT, however, seem to get denials on the ground. The only time I manage to get a denial on the ground is when I am on top, in halfguard, they start a transition to fullguard as I transition over to top mount. As I land in top mount, they're still completing the transition to FG and I can deny it from top mount. This works.
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have extremely fast reactions and will hold R2+ the direction as soon as I see the animation start but it never works unless it is the unique situation mentioned above.
Could it be that I am doing it too quickly? Too slowly (would be surprised..) or what?
Games been out a few months now and I can't believe I still havent got the hang of this. I could deny forever and ever on the ground in UFC1. I'm sure it's not a skill issue, I must just be doing something wrong...
This is on PS4, too.