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Old 06-01-2016, 03:13 PM   #261
Go Cubs Go
WaitTilNextYear's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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Re: MLB The Show 16 OSFM HYBRID V1 Roster Available Now

Originally Posted by dvazquez190
I really hate to be "that guy". I've looked through both this thread and the original thread you guys had during the creating process. I know you guys mentioned sliders that are specific to this roster and that you guys posted individual sliders that should be changed during sim (Stamina of both starters and relievers).

What I haven't seen (and thus my question) is what do you guys use as a full roster set. I apologize if this has been posted/answered and I just somehow missed it. So do you guys have a specific roster set that is being used or has been created for this roster? If you do i'd love to know just what it is. I've been looking for the right roster set to match with this roster to kick off my franchise.

I think you meant full slider set, otherwise I am confused about having a roster set to go with a roster. You haven't seen a slider set because there isn't one. I've posted as much (maybe 4 times?) that everyone should use whatever sliders they feel comfortable with; we don't have a recommendation on that.
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