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Old 06-15-2016, 03:25 AM   #2
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jun 2016
Re: So i hadn't played ranked in a while... Is Ranked turning into Casual or smth?

I may be able to give you an answer on two fronts here.

I'm pretty new, just got it about a month ago, but I have a family so I play a few times a week when i have time, then for a bit longer if I stay up and have energy after basketball playoffs or something.

I'm currently division 4. I got there by only playing ranked matches. Why? I had no idea quick matches were an option. Perhaps that may be some % of the novice behavior you notice in ranked. Casuals and low-rank may be in ranked match because they aren't aware of quick

As for rage quitting, I'm so sick of this. I enjoy working a few rounds to reduce stamina en route to s submission win. It pisses me off that people rage quit it you have them pinned, without stamin, and they know something is coming. It's nice EA has it figured out to award you with a win...

** However, more must be done to disincentivize quitting. It's one thing if the connection sucks and lag makes the play a waste of time. EA should more harshly penalize someone who quits when the connection was above some adequate level. This is measurable. How about the offender is put in time out for a certain amount of time, and only gets matches with similar offenders for a certain period of time until they've built their goodwill back into good standing?**
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