06-17-2016, 05:56 AM
I remember when NHL was one of the better titles EA had to offer. It has been absolute garbage for 4+ years now with no real signs of improvement. Looks like it's going to be the exact same yet again. At least it seems the community is finally realizing it. They can't even get passed creating a passable menu system for crying out loud. But EA doesn't care, they're putting hardly anything into the title and still getting sales.
The whole stick on stick paragraph is such crap and a great example of how EA is NOT in the game. I like how they want to reward defensive positioning by faking incidental contact. Because every Hockey fan knows the best way to get the puck loose from the puck carrier is by accident/luck. Basically, if you're close to someone they'll "more intelligently" randomize the puck coming loose. Only to be instantly re-gained by the AI team of course; followed by them skating right through you as their stick clips through the core of your body all while NOT losing possession of the puck.