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Old 06-19-2016, 11:51 AM   #114
Madden Dev Team
DeuceDouglas's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Video - Broadcast Presentation Package

Originally Posted by Reed1417
Honestly I'm setting my expectations a bit below my usual range because I believe they said the same thing when they first got Nantz and Sims on board. However, I am VERY excited to hear some commentary hopefully tomorrow from clips. Any idea when they'll be dropping content JP? Not in a rush or anything just curious.

I'm pretty much in the same boat. I'm excited to hear it but I honestly don't think it will be anything like the trailer. Nantz and Simms sounded much better in the recorded intros they did the last couple years than they ever did in game. Based on the last several years and previous overhauls of commentary I don't see them suddenly taking such a drastic leap in referencing and flow like the clip shows but I'd love to be pleasantly surprised on that front.
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