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Old 06-19-2016, 12:05 PM   #118
Cowboy008's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Mar 2012
Re: Madden NFL 17 Video - Broadcast Presentation Package

Originally Posted by Reed1417
Honestly I'm setting my expectations a bit below my usual range because I believe they said the same thing when they first got Nantz and Sims on board. However, I am VERY excited to hear some commentary hopefully tomorrow from clips. Any idea when they'll be dropping content JP? Not in a rush or anything just curious.

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I think the new commentary will be better than Nantz and Sims. Plus it seems like the new guys are able to come in and record more than Nantz and Sims used to. Also they are both together when doing the commentary now instead of one recording in one spot and the other recording some where else.

Since the videos coming out tomorrow are supposed to be direct feeds we should be able to hear some of the commentary. Unless they turned it off.
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