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Old 06-21-2016, 04:13 PM   #8
Majingir's Arena
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Re: Big Brother: Season 18

Originally Posted by SuperBowlNachos
The craziest have not room that they won't even show the competition for or mention 90% of the time.
Every comp does get shown, if nothing is shown, there's either no have nots, or hoh picked them.

Have-nots need overhaul. Only reason it existed was cause of the high school cliques theme, but bb has stuck with it since. They need more importance on the slop/cold showers/bad room punishment.

Like the people on it, are safe from nominations. That'd be interesting strategy. Put yourself on slop,to stay off block for week. It won't be an every week thing, and would only involve 2-3 people at most a week, but still better than the generic/unimportant to show on TV stuff they got now.

Or similar to that, only people off slop are hoh,nominees and comp winners. So you still have the havenot comps, but once someone gets put on block,had their team lost,theyd now be off slop. If they get taken off block,theyre back on slop. If replacement nominee was a have-not all week, they'd now be off slop.

Last edited by Majingir; 06-22-2016 at 02:12 PM.
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