06-23-2016, 12:55 AM
Re: Ben Simmons to Be a 76er, Now Where To Rate Him?
Personally I think that his outside shooting should be in the 60's. He outright avoided taking shots at a shorter line even when he was left open. He only took three 3s the whole year. I think having a low enough 3 rating will make players avoid shooting 3s with him like he will in real life.
His passing iq, accuracy and vision will all be very high though so that should give him a pretty big boost in ovr. Also expect him to have dimer and flashy passer.
His physical attributes will probably be in/around the 80's except maybe for strength. He was not a very good post defender against guys with size and he would also avoid contact.
It's hard to say what his overall will be. 2K tends to rate guys taken in the top 5 in the 75-80's even if they have to fudge the numbers a little.