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Old 07-01-2016, 03:09 AM   #271
HeavySaucer's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
The longer they take, though, the messier this gets. They'll need to either double down on their initial stance or figure out what they did wrong and how to backtrack pretty soon I'd imagine.
It seems like they are waiting for the initial uproar to die down a bit, but it doesn't look like it is.

On a side note, I decided to play a game of MLB earlier after not playing for a couple of weeks. Ten minutes in to my session, my internet goes down for the first time in a year and is still down as we speak. It's hard to speculate why my internet has gone down. It's just weird.

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