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Old 07-02-2016, 10:41 AM   #18
GamecocksLaw17's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Re: Some MLB The Show 16 Bans Are Being Lifted, Details Here

Originally Posted by Jaytal6
My Ban was lifted. Jaytal6 PS3. Banned, not suspended. They describe it as a suspension in the explanation to the community, but on my console and on Twitter, it was an irreversible ban. I got rid of my game because I had enough of them and figured I was permanently banned. After the ban was reversed, I needed to get another game disk. They never responded to my emails, twitter, and banned me from the forum so I couldn't interact with them there. I don't think it's unreasonable that they compensate me for the cost of a game disk. If they had said that my account was being suspended pending an investigation into my market activity, I would have waited for the process to complete. All indications were that I was not coming back.
I get you are mad, but why would they buy you a new disk. You weren't even banned one week. They didn't make you get rid of your disk. Did you sell it or throw it away?

Even if you were banned you could have played offline which is what a large group does anyways.

Someone accused of a crime spends nights in jail during their trial. If they are not guilty they aren't compensated for that week or few days. The Show isn't going to compensate people who are mad they were banned for like 5 days
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