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Old 07-13-2016, 05:26 AM   #58
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Re: FIFA 16 Title Update #6 Available For PC & Consoles - Details Included

Originally Posted by Matt10
Uhhh, so far, not good. We're back to very direct passing, similar to what FIFA 15 turned into on its very last patch. Not sure if it's a placebo or not, but I tested several slider settings, mainly default, then worked my way up. The drilled passing is at a very high priority for the CPU. It's the main way they attack. I had pass speed at zero and they were still drilling passes like it was at 50.

Hope can get this figured out, again, may be a placebo - but I can see a change in gameplay.
May have spoke too soon. Oddly enough...the issues aren't as evident in Career Mode. If anything, there's a lot more build up, more variety and still a sense of directness from the back to front. In the kick-off mode it's like a free-for-all and and end-to-end match.

So...yeah, not sure what to think. I'm definitely okay with career mode getting better.
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