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Old 07-14-2016, 11:17 PM   #17
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Re: New Attacking Techniques in FIFA 17 (Trailer & Interview)

Originally Posted by talucchesi
I actually completely disagree with what you're saying about the ball trajectories Matt. I'm trying to find a video example of James taking a FK with the outside of his foot from that camera angel but it doesn't exist.

Which brings me to my biggest gripe...

You shouldn't be able to use this technique with just anyone. The percentage of players that use the outside of their foot on FK's in world football has to be <5%
Trajectories are more of a symptom of not getting the first couple feet right. Notice the small angle diagram that pops up around 00:20 secs in the video. That does not seem to matter anymore once a free kick is in place. To perform that kind of shot you have to hit it with enough velocity, initially, and it's all about the follow through from there. These aren't the Jabulani's mind you - but FIFA's free kicks seem to have that effect. They need to use the benefits of the "promoted" shot technique, and the system that goes with it, and implement that into the free kicks.
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