07-21-2016, 10:34 AM
Re: Madden NFL 16 Patch 1.11 Available, Minor Fixes Along with MUT Content
Played a game in my CFM.
Pressure on the QB
Muffed Punt
Tough Tackling a Power RB, Broke Tackles. I had to adjust.
Pressure on the QB, I had to identify where the blitz was possibly coming from....and keep a more close eye on the pocket. Getting rid of the ball quicker.
The Blitz was coming and coming quick. When it was 3rd down and I was 3rd and 18, they sent two on the blitz, all I could do was check down.
Top CB really battling Dez on the outside.......hadn't seen that before.....Not Like this.....
I Liked this a lot.......
Last edited by Step2001; 07-21-2016 at 11:27 AM.