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Old 07-23-2016, 05:11 PM   #7
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Re: Can we get a 'fun' hockey game again from someone?

I would still argue that NHL Hitz 20-03 is the best arcade style hockey game to date. It's backwards compatible with the Xbox 360, but that system's poor emulation makes the framerate chug compared to how smoothly that game runs on an original Xbox. There's also an Xbox 360-exclusive bug that prevents you from saving in the game's best mode (franchise), so you have to beat it in one sitting and export your leveled up team into season mode instead. The OG Xbox has so many great games that have held up well that it's totally worth keeping one hooked up for how little they cost these days.

Blockey was a really fun 2v2 local multiplayer game on the Xbox 360 that only cost $1. Just don't play the CPU because they cheat on the higher difficulties and are too easy to beat on the lower difficulties.

Rocket League has a hockey mode with ice physics and a puck replacing the soccer ball.

There are hockey players and a hockey arena in the 3v3 local multiplayer game Super Slam Dunk Touchdown. It's still in Early Access on STEAM at the moment.

Some people liked NHL 3 vs. 3 Arcade on the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3, but I wasn't one of them. The gameplay just made me want to go play the real EA NHL games instead, and the options were so limited that you couldn't even use NHL jerseys or save your preferred camera/control settings.

Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (N64) and Rock the Rink (PS1) have also held up pretty well, but just be aware that Rock the Rink won't play properly on certain PS2 slim models if you have one of those.

Last edited by jyoung; 07-23-2016 at 05:15 PM.
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