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Old 08-04-2016, 02:29 AM   #38
ChaseB's Arena
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Originally Posted by nuckles2k2
How about thinking about it as the artist selling the ink, their expertise, & time.

The actual intellectual property still belongs to the artist.

Same with any contractor who's contracted to do work that will stay "on-site", but as soon as someone else tampers/alters it, the contractor washes their hands of the situation & says "I'm not supporting the quality of that work after it's been altered" -- or even the same on any electronic device that warns of voided warranties if tampered with.

In this case, it's just the artists maintaining their ownership of that proprietary work. Get their permission, or don't duplicate it.

Seems pretty fair.
Also, it's not like the human who has the art doesn't own it, it's just that another company is then profiting off his body in a way where the third party doesn't get any of that benefit. It's only a problem because the art is showing up in another commercial enterprise.
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