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Old 08-05-2016, 04:56 PM   #1
Steve_OS's Arena
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Madden Ultimate Team Has a New Chemistry Feature in Madden NFL 17

A new chemistry feature has been added to Madden Ultimate Team in Madden NFL 17. Check out the new video here along with the new blog here, going into more details about it. As always, post your thoughts!

Chemistry will replace Style in Madden NFL 17 and serve as a powerful way to build your MUT lineups. Player items have the opportunity to have a Chemistry (and possibly more than one) and when combined with other Player Items with the same Chemistry, will turn on attribute boosts.

If you activate a Chemistry that boosts your team by +2 Block Shedding, each Item will update the players Block Shedding rating to reflect the new value. And if the boost from the Chemistry is enough to increment that player’s OVR rating, that will update as well (not to mention your Team Rating could be incremented as well!).

No more guessing. No more assuming that a boost is affecting attributes. No more amazingly fantastical online theories to reverse-engineer how much boost is being received. It’s all right there in front of you.

Can I activate more than one Chemistry at once?

Yes, in fact we are advocating that you experiment with multiple combinations of Chemistry. If one Chemistry requires 7 offensive players to activate and another requires 5, you can construct a lineup to turn on both of those Chemistries. Furthermore, if both Chemistries boost the same rating/attribute, the boosts stack on top of each other. So if one Chemistry adds +2 Agility and the other adds +3 Agility, the players affected by this Chemistry will have a +5 Agility boost.

So do I pick what two Chemistries I want active just like I do with Style?

No, the concept of “choosing your Style/Chemistry” is removed. As soon as your active lineup meets the requirements to turn on a Chemistry, that Chemistry is automatically activated. So this means you can optimize a lineup around multiple Chemistries but since all Chemistries are not created equally, and will target different ratings and positional groups, the amount of players it takes to activate each Chemistry will vary. And remember, there will be many more than 8 Chemistries in Madden NFL 17 so you will always be incentivized to explore different lineup combinations. It’s very conceivable to envision a lineup with at least 4 Chemistries activated.

How do I know what boosts a Chemistry has?

Player and Coach Items will have two new back pages that describe each Chemistry, what ratings are impacted, the requirements to activate, and which teammates are affected by the Chemistry. Additionally, there will also be a tab on the back of the Player Item that shows if that player is currently being boosted by another active Chemistry.
Steve Noah
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