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Old 08-08-2016, 05:41 PM   #50
Sneaky Deaky
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Re: Tons of PES 2017 Gameplay Videos, Screenshots & Details From Around the Web (8-4-

Originally Posted by fearwhatnow
These videos are disappointing beyond words. Skating, no footplant at all, players roaming out of position and then sprinting like chickens to get back in position, goalkeepers diving in slow motion, same tackling animations over and over with the ball travelling just 1m every time after a tackle, floaty ball physics. I can carry on with all the negatives for 2 pages. They don't even bother to sit just for 3 hours to introduce new replays. It's just 3 (THREE) hours of dev work.
But they don't care. They won't even listen to customers. Most of the devs that created the PES masterpieces a decade ago are long gone.

Wow you and Matt are so right, I can't stand watching the constant shifting out of position, no player slows down, everyone is moving off the ball one way or the other. Players turn so quick it's chaotic.

Football is a game that can be slowed down to walking, even standing, pace. And it can be highly disciplined; rigid even. Football can also be fast as lightening, fluid and free. I don't see that in this game, I just see chaotic end to end stuff. Of course a lot of the players playing are sprinting forward themselves at every chance: that makes the AI play faster. I've always noticed in PES if YOU slow down, so does the AI.

The Goalkeepers look better though.
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