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Old 08-12-2016, 02:44 AM   #6
All Star
SmashMan's Arena
OVR: 14
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Chicago, IL
Re: New Octagon Arena and More Coming to Rocket League in September

Originally Posted by iam31yearsold
Tried to like this game, just seems like a zero strategy,r random physic turbo smash fest, hoping the ball goes in. No possession, plays, or controlled passing.
There is a fair amount of strategy in terms of setting up shots, passing, and aerial skills. As already said, it comes into play more when playing with other people.

Not entirely sure what a "random physic turbo smash fest" is, and I can't say I've experienced any random physics that leave me hoping the ball mysteriously finds the goal. Have any videos to show?

Also, can you explain how you envision set plays working in Rocket League? Or "controlled passing"?
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