08-12-2016, 08:35 PM
Madden Dev Team
OVR: 22
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 4,313
Re: Practice Squad (MoonlightSwami)
Man, that Big Decision menu looks horrible.
Disappointed with how they combined the news feed with the twitter feed. The old news feed was pretty nice and would have been much better in place of the gigantic Week 4 text and the unnecessary countdown.
Interested to see how the whole practice squad thing works out. Kind of odd the Bears would already have their fourth round pick on there before they've played their final game. I also wonder for the teams that had a bunch of guys already if they'll take them off for better players after final cuts which should consist of better players or if they'd just voluntarily let good players go into the FA pool. It will also be interesting to see how they handle promotions and signing random FA's as well. Typically as soon as a season starts they'll start cutting their own players and replacing them with high rated players off the FA list so I wonder if that'll be common place during the season as well or if they'll put higher priority on the PS guys.