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Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk |
Some of you remember this thread from last year. http://www.operationsports.com/forum...playbooks.html I have tested playbooks for the CPU and the workaround from last year (thanks to swagger coach) still works. This year you can assign the CPU playbooks in play now (couldn't last year) as well as cfm. For play now you just need a 2nd controller. Download the custom playbook and go to play now and advanced settings and set the playbook you want for both teams. Once you assign a playbook start the game. Once the game starts move the 2nd controller to CPU. You will have to initially call the 1st play but after the kick its all the CPU.
As for cfm it's a little different. Once you start the cfm as a owner or coach. You will need to go to settings and select starter to off. Then you will then create a 2nd profile by clicking the R stick down. Select a team and then pick a player (not a owner or coach) and choose a backup qb from Undrafted. He will then be a 3rd qb on your depth chart and never see the field. You can then go and play the same way selecting and using 2 controllers. This time however after you select your teams playbook in the team select screen you will just click advance to game as the user. Then your done. The only other thing you will need to do is make sure your 2nd controller is plugged into your Xbox so it doesn't auto shut off as this will kick you from the game. If it's plugged in you are good to go.
For those who do not no this is a game changer in how the CPU ai plays. They now play to their strengths, use plays they call irl and make the CPU ai incredible. All the situations and audibles are redone. All the play actions on 3rd and long gone, most all verticals gone. I just finished the panthers rough draft and went and tested it. I was shutting teams down to under 10 most all games before giving the panthers their playbook. I played 1 quarter and gave up 21 points. Like I said it's a game changer. I'm loving the game without playbooks but this takes it to a whole different level. If you don't believe me go download and try yourself.
This thread will be for any questions or players who create real team playbooks. I will post them in this thread in the OP. We can also use it as information for people looking to add real plays or routes. So if your team likes to throw lot of screens on 2nd or 3rd and long, etc just throw it out in this thread.
Last thing - it was stated you can not use formation subs with custom playbooks. That is true and false. If you start a playbook with your team you can still do formation subs with any formation that was in the original playbook. If you add a new formation you will have to change in game. But in cfm as a player if you choose to do playbooks then because you chose a player you can not (as far as I can tell as of now) change depth charts or formation subs...
I have already done a few playbooks that you can download now under my gamertag - vannwolfhawk206 for the xbox1.
For the Xbox 1
- Seahawks - defensive playbook - vannwolfhawk206
- Panthers - offensive playbook - vannwolfhawk206 (rough draft)
Well this is very interesting!
I like the idea of the CPU having a better play call strategy.
Less 4 verticals, more intermediate routes on 3rd downs.
Even some draws and screens would be a pleasant surprise on 3rd and longs!