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Old 08-22-2016, 12:39 AM   #7
10's Arena
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Re: Fed up with FIFA devs

Originally Posted by Resurrection403
I don`t know how you can make this kind of post and not be joking. I don`t want to go down a laundry list of what Madden has FIFA doesn`t but, just specifically lets address a few things:

1) Youth recruiting in FIFA is basically non existent and automated. in Madden its deeper, its interesting, and rewarding.

2) Signings make sense in Madden and other teams change players and tune their teams according to need MUCh better than FIFA

3) Contract negotiations are much more interesting and fluid than FIFA

4) Want to know how PSG is doing when you`re in the German league? Pretend. Want to know how the Patriots were doing for rushing yards 2 years ago in your 5th CFM? Sure. Go check.

5) Madden has little things like Atalanta (and last year Minnesota) move into their new stadiums year 2.

I mean, this claim is so ridiculous. It really is... it honestly makes me question how much you actually played Madden last year. The franchise mode is so deep it actually can be a turn off if your casual and have to put a lot of stuff on auto pilot.

This premise is faulty because Madden The Show, and NBA (that`s literally 3 of the major sports in America) all have MUCh better, deeper, and better supported franchise modes. This whole paragraph is basically wrong. 100% wrong.

Madden's CFM isn't drastically better than FIFA's career mode. It has a handful of features like stat tracking that fifa should absolutely have. I've seen equally stupid signings in both games.

Thank you for giving us a 'this game sucks I'm not buying it this year' thread complete with the abused customers bit and telling someone else how much they're wrong and how you're right, even though they gave a thoughtful response to a post that probably didn't warrant it.
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