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Old 08-22-2016, 02:58 PM   #207
Eman5805's Arena
OVR: 15
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: New Orleans
Re: NBA 2K17 Trailer - Friction

Originally Posted by gabri3l3
This point of view that many guys have doesn't make any sense.
If everyone was like that they would still release NBA Live 2000 type of games because everyone would be fine with that.

We're talking about things that are so easy to fix and add some much to the realism of the game that is baffling that they're still wrong (baggy shorts, bulky legs, player models in general).

And it's absolutely false that you notice those things only on close ups
You claim it's easy to fix. But as with most things, fixing one problem causes three others. And they only have a fixed amount of time.

They're doing a good job overall to me. Things like ankles being too big don't bother me at all. I'm not going to notice it unless it's there.

My standards are very low when it comes to game visuals now. All the work they put into making Dame Lillard look the way he does it fine and I appreciate it.

But I just find it funny where some focus their attention now. Don't let me stop y'all.

Thing that's got me intrigued is it looks like there's more player interaction moments. Like swiping the ball as someone is about to shoot and it not just being the slapping the ball down as a player rises up to shoot. Also, seeing some players throwing their weight aorund more. That really captured my attention.
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