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Old 08-23-2016, 08:11 PM   #67
D81SKINS's Arena
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Originally Posted by DanB_DanB
I've done this since Madden 15, mostly removing all those 4 verts plays (why it's like is the beyond me), re-rating certain plays for certain star players (Gronk, Dez, Julio, etc) and it makes a WORLD of difference when playing the computer.. I haven't done it near the extent that vannwolfhawk is getting this ish done! More so generic type playbooks that I assign teams based on how they play.. Once I pick up my copy, I'll be sure to check out your playbooks man this is gonna be awesome, especially since it seems like you have enough playbook knowledge of every team to get them to play like their counterparts. Props!
Just picked up M17 Prima Guide and the "Best Offensive and Defensive" plays have changed from M16!
I'm updating Falcons and My Skins now!
Play calling has changed from M16 prima to M17, so they are updating with new info!

1st dwn
2nd dwn
3rd dwn
Short, med, and long have all been changed.

This makes having the 17 Prima worth the $10.00 w/ GameStop discount.

I'm starting off just changing My team and the team I'm facing that week, instead of doing a bunch at once.
I wanna test this thing week to week and really put together a ligit gameplan for the week, for MY team and the CPU!
Week to week gameplanning WILL BE a Game changer! In M17!
I'm so stoked fellas!
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