Yes, that's another reason I haven't finished my Redskins yet.
I'm testing the star system and the reason some plays keep getting repeated in the Coaching Suggestions and others are not.
I was always of the belief that how the coaching suggestions are populated for our team, is the same logic the CPU uses to call plays.
FYI, the Run N Shoot PB is good for a Pass heavy team. They(Bills in preseason) Passed almost 70% of the offensive calls. What's awesome is they will sneak in some draws and delay runs that will gash you!
I gave the Jets the Run N Shoot and they got me when they were pinned back on the 1, got me on a PA corner to their TE.! Felt like I was playing another user lol.
And in my last game vs Bills, same PB, they got me when they were inside the 5 and ran a PA boot were the TE goes on a shallow cross(away from the boot direction) to the weak side of the D, and then the TE goes up the field!
That was a TD and a very timely call by the CPU!
We need to figure out this star system guys.
Do you see how lame the defensive star system is?
Same old Zone calls are starred the highest! Only a handful of plays have stars over the minimum(half star).
They are supposed to be patching the #1 WR lining up on the left and moving them back to the right, so they will fix that, we don't have to.