08-28-2016, 07:55 PM
OVR: 1
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 2,324
Re: NBA 2K17 Player Ratings & Screenshots (More Added as They Are Revealed)
I think they had time, did work but just got it slightly wrong in some cases.
I think it was a case of them misdiagnosing the issue.
Example; Made KD's arms skinnier but left the square shoulders. Muscle def. etc.
I can see why this makes people upset, but we're at the point that it's too late for 2K17 so we just need to find a way to try and make this noise heard for next year.
Definitely not a case of laziness etc. I'm totally guessing but as I mentioned above, I think they tried and just fell short in some cases.
It may sound funny but this community can help point them in the right direction. We almost look at every pixel closer and longer than them. Then we toss it around and break it down until we get the next picture.
Just hoping they see/hear what some of us are saying and we slowly head towards what we want.