NBA 2K17 Features Improvements Across The Board, Here's 75 of Them
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08-31-2016, 04:14 PM
CaCHooKa Man
OVR: 6
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Los Angeles
Re: NBA 2K17 Features Improvements Across The Board, Here's 75 of Them
Leveling up as a team - Amateur team which is limited in their capabilities and customization, then Pro with more abilities and customization, such as different arena features (think HUGE team wall murals which looked incredible). Elite status is next which is very special. Custom importing of pictures is granted at this level, and overall much expanded from last year. Also sponsors which brings in extra VC. Work up from Elite level 1 to Elite level 6.
So my team has to be Elite just to use custom pictures? Out on it.
CaCHooKa Man
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