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Old 09-01-2016, 06:28 PM   #184
LorenzoDC's Arena
OVR: 3
Join Date: Sep 2010
Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by ch46647
2. The blog states your team removed a lot of the artificial boost for the CPU on Hall of Fame. This is huge news! Has this improved the "momentum" system which seemed to really favor the trailing team? I know you guys say there is no comeback code, and I certainly take you for your word, but I did notice a lot of funky things happen when I take an 8-10 point lead. Hoping all this is removed. (I noticed this on Superstar level as well)
On this, I'm also curious to what extent the AI improvements required any other adjustments to sustain game balance, and if any of those adjustments affected the way we may experience momentum during gameplay, especially 12 minute quarter games.

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