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Old 09-03-2016, 03:22 AM   #75
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Re: More NBA 2K17 MyCAREER Details

Originally Posted by Rip4ever
So you think 25/25 instead of 15/25 which pretty much every other type has will be worth limiting 3pt/mid range/shoot of dribble/playmaking to 34/100? For comparison the other 4 types have 71/100 for playmaker, 50/100 slasher, 69/100 shot creator, sharpshooter 74/100. The only one that gives up near as much is slasher and it get a layup/dunk of 25/25.

Notice this. All the offensive types give you max in 2 towers and pretty much average in all the rest with one or two weaknesses. Lockdown defender makes you max in three (well strength one from max) and slightly above average in the only other non-offensive stat. Which was the ONLY way to make sure you couldn't very good any any offensive stat.

As 4 or 5 like that could get a chance in the NBA, a one or a two would be a role guy off the bench at best. In todays NBA there isn't room for guy with no offense in the 1-3 spot, NONE!
Well first of all. Not sure if you saw the prelude trailer post where a member made a stat table with all the stats. Great post. Yes lockdown has a disadvantage in general stats but is 25 - 25 - 24 in defense, agility and strength. Not sure why you ignored what I said about balance. I'm not talking about superficial build balance. The game hasn't come out we don't know yet how effective each stat is. Because of previous years I am sure you are assuming being maxed in defense is not that great. In 2k16 it was nice but certainly not as effective as having good offensive stats. But we can't assume that's the case yet which is what I'm saying. For all we know a 13 in layup and 12 in post might be around a 70 overall. This is not including the boosts that one gets for height. Which boosts the inside game. With bronze badges possibly reaching 80 caliber inside game. Which is more than acceptable. To sum it up it all depends what each number represents in terms of stats - on the game play - and on how effective defense/strength etc is. For all we know lock down defender might be a very viable build. We are only assuming. Besides in my main answer I was disagreeing with sharpshooter being better than it superficially is. Lock down defender superficially indeed looks weaker in terms of stat balance.

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Last edited by Leasim96; 09-03-2016 at 03:29 AM.
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