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Old 09-04-2016, 01:36 PM   #36
NewscasterNews4's Arena
OVR: 6
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Michigan
Blog Entries: 1
Re: Hits and Misses of Franchise mode

After 11 games in my franchise, here's my opinions on the mode so far.


Full Player Editing: This is a huge feature. Not only does it allow us to have real-life rookies, it allows us to give faces to those with blank silhouettes and we can edit players in correspondence to how they do irl (ex. Giving Jared Goff slow development after his bad preseason.)

In Game Ticker: This is HUGE. I love the way it looks in-game and it really gets me immersed in my league. For example back in week 2 I saw the Bengals had a 35-10 lead in the 2nd quarter. As my game went on, I saw the Steelers begin to come back and eventually they took a 42-39 lead and that was really cool to see the game play out live instead of just checking the box score after my game and seeing the Steelers made a massive comeback.

Menus Being More Functional

Thank god they adressed this! It was so tedious to view a player card for someone on another team just to have it take you back to your own team the minute you exit out of it. It's so much easier to view information now.


About time they brought this back.


32 Team Control and In Game Ticker

This is my biggest problem with franchise now. I love using 32 team control and it sucks I have to give up seeing live scores on the ticker for it to work. It eliminates a number of storylines I could've incorporated into my franchise such as Tom Brady's suspension, Case Keenum and Trevor Siemien starting the season over Jared Goff and Paxton Lynch, Teddy Bridgewater's injury, and more. Hopefully they can fix this because that would make franchise 10x better.

News Stories

Gonna be honest, not a fan of the new layout. I actually liked the way stories were from Madden 13-16. At least your team specific stories and top league stories aren't buried in the news menu now.
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