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Old 09-05-2016, 12:00 PM   #10
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jun 2007
Re: How are the graphics?

Originally Posted by Sparkles
I've been playing FIFA every year and I definitely know what you're talking about in terms of body types and detail. While playing 17 on my ACER HD monitor I couldn't really see anything that made me cringe in terms of bodies and running animations. I do see what you're saying about 15's running and 16's running, 17 definitely had a different running tone than 16 but I can't tell ya if it felt like 15's because I really don't remember 15's destinctively. But in terms of atmosphere and lighting, they finally nailed it. No more washed out night games, or dull lit day games. Frostbite fixed all of that. But what comes along with that are how the players look during night games, and they looked soooooo much better than past years. Also keep in mind, i was playing the beta, so all gameplay aspects may be toned or smoothed out in the final build. All I can say is that I'm very excited for what 17 has to offer, and I'm really stoked to see madden and NHL enter the frostbite graphical era, it really does wonders to the game
Absolutely, and I must thank EA and more importantly DICE for making such a great engine.
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